Speaking about, brands, business, design & change
Image from Webbdagarna in Stockholm 2014
With experience from larger and smaller stages. I've conducted keynote appearances all over Sweden. I also have extended experience in conducting internal lectures for corporations and schools and universities. Because entrepreneurship is close to my heart I always wanted to be a part of business development and have participated in growth programs in expansive regions in Sweden.
I advocate collaboration and always stress that to achieve change one need to work close to each other. Over the years I have conducted, participated and facilitated numerous of work shops with clients and in growth programs.
I am always looking for change and development, lets discuss that further and create new business possibilities.
Some references: Webbdagarna, Hyper Island, Mälardalens Högskola, Berghs School of Communication, Forsbergs School of Design, Idélab etc.