I've always been a believer in PR in relation to traditional commercial and ad agency ways of working. It all boils down to a neatly orchestrated plan and activities that rarely happend by chance. Naturally the PR-business have evolved over time as have traditional marketing but PR still comes out on top. Might be the diversity o the field and the endless possibilties of creative thinking alongside strong planning. Sure bad PR is bad PR but when done proper and with heart and mind it is really strong and Saucony is a good evidence of making a strong comeback from a strong 1980's via a silent mid 90's until recently, tagging along the ever rising interest in the sneaker community.
Good PR is:
- Neatly planned
- Perfectly timed
- Thouroghly planned sets of events that accentuates the a customer journey
- With empathy in mind but done with the heart
- The occasional gut feeling adds the unexpected
“We aim to inspire and change their lives in some way.””
Strong PR when its founded on thorough planning and insights from a customer perspective it is strong really strong as displayed in the Saucony case here. It never happend by chance.