Book tip

Been a Neumeier fan since around the mid 2000’s, his book The Brand Gap was on the “manditory” reading list on one of my courses on Berghs. And I’ve read that and all of his sequals, from which I’ve gotten inspiration and loads of ideas of continue my road within the fields of brand and design. Always well-written, smart reasoning and sometimes a bit fun.

This autumn he realeased his new book, The Meta Skills. It is about how sucessfully adapt to the ways things gonna work in the future. I am not gonna elaborate to much on the content other than to say that if you gonna buy a book this year buy this one. It is as for most Neumeister books, inspirational, smart and witty. But it deals with the five META skills - feeling, seeing, dreaming, making and learning.

Sounds fictionized? I’d beg to differ. It will engage you, it could probably scare one or two of you but above all it will inspire you. At least it did that for me. 

So check it out and find your META Skills!