What must brands do? - Physical interpretation

One thing that the future will hold is the expectancy among consumers to broaden their interaction with their favourite brands of choice. The online retailing business is expected not only to be a part of their consumers digital expectations but also the physical ones. 

This is already happening, check out the retail development of of Amazons retail pop-up stores, physical kiosks for Groupon. One business area that used to be very cutting edge in the retail pop-up store segment were the fashion industry. Despite huge success for some (Asos, Net-a-porter, Mr Porter) this segment have not grown to show their full potential in the physical sense. My prediction that it would be hugely appreciated by the crowds. During the summer the Monocle Magazine has had a American Tour of its very limited and specially made shop concept with visits to other prestigious boutiques. In NYC and so forth.

I’ve tried to find key areas to support the action of making online retail - physical. 


Aim to make this event based, either create the event yourselves or ride the wave of other well suited happenings on location you so causally choose.


It should be experimental, nobody likes a coward, especially if the expectations your costumers is in a certain way. You need to excel in order to make the experience even wider.


Efficient, it need to be cost effective but in the same time bridge the online/offline shopping experience.

So is this the way to go for all online commerce to get even more social…no however with the right decisions made early on and with the proper strategy and tactics this might be the best thing that your online brand could do or at least consider in a nearby future cause as you now.

"There is no points for second place!"

Image borrowed from Kitsune